What's it gonna take for this kid to make a video without leaning against a wall?
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Eenie Meenie |
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Baby |
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Never Let You Go |
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Filming U Smile |
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Alright, so it's not an exact match, but they're similar enough for me to do a double-take when looking at their pictures. Ironic, considering that B.o.b. took his stage name from Outkast's "B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)".Post by
It's 3:49 am. Naturally, this would indicate that I am lying awake, furiously Googling. Why? In order to find a suitable picture of Bruno Mars' teeth, obviously. You see, I've developed a small "thing" for teeth over the years, and this evening (morning?) I've decided that Bruno Mars is officially being inducted into my "People With Awesome Teeth" collection. It's a small (but quality-filled) collection, and even smaller, since at this time of day I think I'm blanking on previous inductees. Regardless, here are a few current members:Apolo Ohno (trust me, the teeth are even better in person) |
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Kevin McHale |
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I've been crushing on B.o.b. for a while now, but it's suddenly experiencing a revival. Hence me surfing the internet last night at 3:30am to absorb every B.o.b. search result I could find.Talented & adorable is a dangerous combination.
Image courtesy of B.o.b.'s website.
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Two new Adele songs hit the internet this week, and both have blown me away. The first, "Rolling In the Deep", has me incessantly tapping my feet, clapping my hands, and generally dancing around my apartment like a fool because of its infectious rhythm. "Rolling In the Deep" is soulful and textured as it tells a story of heartbreak, from the perspective of, "Oh shit, you screwed up, and now I'm gonna make you pay--probably in ways you couldn't have even imagined. You have no idea what you lost, you fool!" That's really the best perspective, if you ask me.The other track, "Someone Like You" is absolutely stunning and heartbreaking. When I listen to it, I can literally feel a jagged little line forming down the middle of my heart. I can't even find the words to do it justice. This, too, tells a story of heartbreak, but in a different manner. It's understated but substantial, and Adele's voice and her lyrics are equally and frighteningly powerful.
Listen to both below:
Rolling In the Deep
Someone Like You (Live on Jools Holland)
This Crushtastic post is brought to you by two very important points:
1. Matthew Morrison is a special kind of attractive, in the sense that he can frolic around on the beach fully-clothed, without looking weird. I've never personally witnessed a real human male act like this without attracting some interesting reactions from a crowd of onlookers.
2. Details (and GQ, for that matter) is like the women's version of Playboy. I don't buy the magazine for the articles. I peruse it because I know that when I'm interested in looking at fantastic photographs of good-looking male celebrities, it will never fail me.
Bonus point: These photos almost make me forget to complain about all those damn theme episodes on Glee...

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Images via Details |
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I swear, I must be a glutton for punishment. My plans this evening were simple--come home from work, finish up some grad school work that's due tomorrow, and enjoy a boring night of relaxation and possibly the Family Guy marathon on TBS. In reality, I followed through on the first step, and veered off course somewhere around the time I started googling The Walking Dead. I keep hearing how amazing the show is, but am usually able to balance out positive comments about the show with the realization that I do not, in fact, enjoy zombies.You might think that would've stopped me from not only reading the show's Wikipedia page, but streaming all available episodes online. You'd be wrong. What I did was spend the last three hours very afraid and borderline traumatized. Within the first five minutes of this escapade, I witnessed a little girl get shot in the head. It's okay, (is it?) she was a zombie. That was quickly followed by countless dead bodies, horrible stories of loss, adultery, a horse being fed on by "walkers", a hand amputation, more gunshots than I can count, and that horrible "arrrgghhh" noise that zombies make. For a while, The Walking Dead played out like one of those horrible dreams where you think you might be the only sane/alive person left in the world...and then you realize that's exactly what's going on. Whoa. It was also one of those instances where watching the show means making the video player as small as possible, as if to minimize the impact it has on you.
Now that I'm caught up on all three episodes that have aired, it's time for bed. And boy, I can tell you that I am enthusiastic about shutting all the lights off and reminding myself that I'm alone in this apartment. The good news is, zombies don't appear to be very efficient with stairs/ladders/climbing in general, so perhaps on the 5th floor, I might stand a chance against them. If not, I'll make sure to aim for the head.
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Today, T.I. is heading back to prison for another 11 months, after just getting out earlier this year. I feel so disappointed. Don’t get it twisted, I love T.I., but I am at a loss over this second jail sentence.
When he got busted way back for trying to buy machine guns and silencers, I oddly felt okay about it, and thought that it was just his way of handling his situation. I know that if I saw my best friend murdered right in front of me, I would be angry and upset and confused about how to handle it all. In T.I.’s case, he felt most comfortable trying to get revenge on the people who killed Big Phil, so he went out and tried to buy the guns that would help him achieve that.
I believed him when he during his Road to Redemption time, wandering around the country telling kids how it really is, and who they don’t want to grow up to be. I like motivational T.I., I like to believe that he came out the other end of a horrible situation a better and stronger person, and one who could admit what he did and be willing to pay the consequences for it. I cringed as he went to prison, leaving Tiny and all his children behind for a whole year, but obviously it was what had to be done.
To then hear that he had been caught with ecstasy after his sentence was over and could be facing more jail time left me dumbfounded. Why the hell was he driving around with drugs in his possession? I’m not condoning drug dealing, but I also don’t condone stupidity—all the money you have, and all the people you have working for you, and none of them could get that shit to where it was going?
I sympathized with T.I.’s decision to buy machine guns and get revenge on Phil’s killers, because I felt like it came from an understandable place of grief. But what does ecstasy possession stem from? Greed? Stupidity? I’m undecided. Let’s just hope that with another 11 months to himself in jail, he can find some time to reevaluate his musical direction, because his post-Paper Trail music definitely leaves plenty to be desired. Oh yeah, and some common sense would be nice, too.
Sidenote: I appreciate that T.I.'s upcoming album will be getting a new title. I guess you can't call your album "King Uncaged" when you're back in jail...
What can I say, I'm a sucker for cute guys who can sing and play multiple instruments. Not to mention, his album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans is quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of this entire year.Post by

As I was scouring the pages of I Love Charts (as I often do), I came across this little gem. This is part of the reason why I so frequently visit I Love Charts--life's most obvious scenarios can often be translated into attractive images that make you realize how simple life can really be.
As soon as I saw this, I thought yes, this is exactly what I do!. I am the left side of this chart, through and through. I weigh out options, delay decisions, make lists of pros & cons. Essentially, overload my brain with what-ifs and maybes instead of just going with my gut instinct. While there is merit in this method of decision-making (I mean, I haven't completely ruined my life from using it yet), there is also value in thinking that sometimes we should just listen to our own hearts.
It seems too easy, right? Can it really be that you can just "have a feeling" about something, and know that it's the right choice to make? Yes, it is simple--notice the maze of questions and concerns stemming from the brain side of this chart and the one straight line that makes up the heart portion of the image. The moral of the story: follow your head, get confused, and eventually arrive at the same decision you thought to be true in the first place. Follow your heart, and arrive at your decision much sooner, and without the added stress.
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I began following Drake on Twitter because he's talented and gorgeous, and I like to say up-to-date with the hot Jewish-Canadian types. But I continue to follow him because he always has some lovely pearls of wisdom for me, even if they're not all his own. Such as:"Being real is like being a lady-if you have to tell people you are, you aren't."
"Anything I've ever done that was ultimately worthwhile initially scared me to death."
"Many fine things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow."
"Life is like a confused teacher-first she gives the test, and then she teaches the lesson."
"You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go."
via @drakkardnoir
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Two decades later, and guys are still wooing girls with lawnmowers?
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Brothers from another mother. Here's hoping Durmot Mulroney has an important story to tell that requires a biopic, because Jackson Hurst would be a shoe-in for the lead role.
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The 2010 VMAs are airing tonight, amidst rumors that Taylor Swift will sing a new song about last year's run-in with Kanye West. As much as I disagree with his behavior that night, I truly hope this rumor isn't true.Part of what I love about Taylor Swift is how she appears to handle her fame with such grace and class, and even at last year's VMAs, she held herself together in front of an audience of millions at a time when no one would have faulted her for breaking down. In my opinion, to re-hash the interruption heard 'round the world on the same show, one year later, would make her look as though she's clinging to that past, instead of moving on with the rest of us.
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Impossible is nothing, your environment's irrelevant
Just don't let your emotions overpower your intelligence
Refuse to give up, your mistakes don't define you
Still resonates after all these years.
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Listen here
My presence is a present, kiss my ass
Leave all your love and your longing behind,
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive
-Dog Days Are Over
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Oh my my, honey, everybody dies
But you've gotta, you've got to see
That you can live your life walkin' in a straight line
But it's more than just A to B
-A to B
Matt Hires continues to be outstanding. <3
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